Wedding Toasts
Special Occasions

Howdy! My name is Kevin. I’ve been writing and delivering speeches my whole life. It’s something I love to do. And, I’m pretty darn good at it!

I won five national championships in college speech & debate. I’ve written keynotes for CEOs and campaign speeches for politicians. I’ve spoken at media and tech conferences. I’ve performed in storytelling showcases. I delivered the student commencement speech at my college graduation. I’ve coached hundreds of high school and college students at speech camps. I’ve officiated weddings. And, I’ve helped write too many toasts to count.

Lately, my friends and family have been encouraging me to share my skills with the world. So, here we go!

I hope we get the chance to work together.


How Can I Help?

Speech Writing

Draft Writing — $60 per draft

Not liking what ChatGPT generated for you? Running into writer’s block? You give me the basics of your speech (who, what, when, where) and I’ll deliver your first draft.

Draft Edits — $40 per draft

Need an extra set of eyes on what you wrote? Maybe some help punching up jokes or cleaning up transitions? You send me your draft and I’ll turnaround edits within 48 hours.

Speech Coaching

Coaching Session — $60/hr

This is my speciality, and often the most helpful for clients! We’ll spend time working on a range of public speaking fundamentals that best fit your needs/skill like stage presence, memorization, joke delivery, tempo, etc.

Video/Audio Review — $40 per clip

We all lead busy lives! Sometimes it’s hard to set aside time for a coaching session. Instead, you can send me a video or audio recording of your speech and I’ll put together comprehensive notes & feedback for you to consider.

Book A Session

Fill out the form below and I’ll reply within 24 hours to provide next steps, scheduling, and payment information.

Have a special request or question about pricing? You can also contact me directly at